So, as the dust settles after Monday's first, slightly manic, Tweetchat...
Q1: What mobile device(s) do you use to connect with others?
Q2: What mobile device(s), tools and apps do you use to communicate with others?
Q3: What BYOD4L forums have you used to connect today?
Q4: How do your connections help you with your learning?
Q5: Do you have any tips for connecting with others?
What did you get out of it? Here are some thoughts...
- It's a bit like walking into a room where everyone's talking, quite loudly, about the same thing, but not to each other.
- for touch-typers it's a huge advantage to participate on a laptop as opposed to a tablet or phone as it allows much faster interaction
- blink and you missed it
- even just making one connection - following and being followed, commenting, sharing a link, tool or project - makes it worthwhile
- shame it's not possible to create Twitter groups and throw a fence round this type of chat - yes, openness is good, but potentially annoying for followers not involved in BYOD (although it's up to them to curate and manage - and ignore - their twitter stream I guess)
- Learning by doing is the best way
- Would it be useful to have questions in advance? (or does that defeat the object?)